Final Project Ideas

Looks like we’ve reached it at last; the final project. And I can’t think of one solid idea for what to do. I know we’ve been given a starting point, choosing any previous exercise, but I don’t even know which one of those to choose. I’m leaning mostly towards the Hypertext exercise using Twine, but that’s not an idea. I need ideas.

What I’d really like to do is redo my homepage. The more I look at it, the more I see things I’d like to change. I’d like to redo the whole thing, keeping just the color scheme and a few other things. I have a lot of ideas that have been accumulating ever since I submitted project 1. I just don’t think that would be allowed somehow, though wouldn’t that count as exercise 3? Hmmm, I’m going to ask.

One somewhat vague idea I have that isn’t clear to me yet, is using Twine to create the narrative of one of the duels in Harry Potter. Particularly the incredible ones that the movies either skimmed over or completely skipped (blasphemy). I could use sounds and colors to give the story.

One thing that makes me hesitant to use Twine is that I’m not sure if you can use other libraries with it. Like I really love the idea of using animate.js for some things and from what I’ve seen, it doesn’t look like you can use a library with Twine.

I’m going to go keep brainstorming. Bye!