Hi guys :) This blog is part 2 of practicing for my project

This time I want to focus on using JavaScript libraries to bring my website to life. Like I said before, I want ALOT of animation. My aim is to toe the fine line between a cool website and a tacky one.

This blog is for trying out javascript libraries. I can’t belive I’ve been doing frontend for a while now and only stuck to HTML and CSS because I was too scared to try Javascript. I’m thinking about so many missed opportunities now :(

Well, better late than never. I also failed miserably last blog on the show/hide sections with JQuery so I’m gonna try that again.

Ok, click this block

If it worked correctly, you should be able to view these words and the other two blocks should’ve disappeared. Yay!

If it didn’t ... *sigh* ... back to the drawing board.

Or this one

I feel like I spent WAY too long on this functionality. In the end it was very simple, straightforward code. But it took me so long to find it.

Even this one should work

The next part is going to be trying to use JavaScript libraries to create amazing animations. I am actually kind of terrified, and I think I'm biting off WAY more than I can chew.

But it is so integral to my project idea that I should be able to use that functionality. Wish me luck!

As you will see, I’m trying to keep JavaScript animations contained in certain sections. I suppose I should've begun my project by now but I wanted to get everything *perfect* before I started it. No, 'm not a perfectionist but I want to know what is possible before starting.

A contact form

This part simulates sending me an email. I found a JS service that lets you do it, but it's paid and I don't know if I need that functionality right now.

Ok for the final part:

I want the form section to have JS animations, using P5.js, and I'm not sure I can pull it off. So I'm gonna try it out here.