Blog B



Can you read this?

Tom, do you think its working?


We dont have much time, so I'll just hope you can read this.

We found the Voyager Golden Records.


Actually, they found the records.

It's over. They are coming.

I got that message this morning from a friend.

We humans always make the worst choices. On the other hand, we did invent custard stuffed donuts. Have some while I tell you about my week, and together we can ignore our impending doom.


My class assignments are piling up. How can I already have a midterm next week? I'm pretty certain we were introducing ourselves just yesterday. Most of my classes are group work projects. I am NOT a fan of group work. That being said, the assignments are too much for 1 to handle so I should just live with it.


I still feel sick after watching the GIF of drone killings we saw in this weeks discussion. I am actively trying not to think of it because I dont want to break down in the library.


Speaking of libraries, Thompson is open again! Currently enjoying the atmosphere of the Great Reading Room

osu_great_reading_room Everything is fine.

PS: In case you're wondering, these are the Voyager Golden Records. Why we ever sent them out I'll never know.