Blog A


Woohoo! You've opened the box!

But it's empty.

Come back next week when we've learned more :) You might find something good.
no im not lazy

Oh! We learned about memes, forgot to mention it.

speaking of memes


Can you even read this.

if yes, your'e probably a bot stay off my website.

down arrow

Ok I am sorry, let’s get real. Now that we’ve confirmed you’re human I’ll tell you my thoughts about class so far. The first 2 weeks were really great. I did not actually realize this class was so heavy in web development when I signed up, and this is so much better than what I thought I was getting. I had assumed it would be similar to another class I took, ACCAD 5140, which was also web development themed but focused on design. In that class we did not code but designed our sites on online platforms like Wix and Webflow. If I had known this class existed I would have signed up a long time ago, but hey, better late than never.

I really liked the in-class discussion we had today. I never thought I would associate cat memes with Nazi symbols, nor baby Yoda with anyone’s sexuality. I like how the discussions were a mix of humor and seriousness. I am a bit nervous about the upcoming discussion that I am signed up to lead. Presentations and other class discussions I have ever led were far less than 30 minute and I hope the content is engaging enough to fill in the time. Worse that can happen is no one answers the questions I ask, and a horrible awkward silence prevails. There are few things I hate more than awkward silences. I’ll probably turn on a cricket soundtrack if that happens.

As far as the coding portion of this class goes, I feel confident in being able to follow along. What I mainly want to learn is how to use the web page to create a website that doubles as artwork. I have always focused mainly on functionality and usability, but not much on beauty. I have focused even less on personal expression. You might find the design of this blog kinda crappy but believe it or not this actually looks great to me. For all of our sake’s lets hope my talents improve.

I also really like the fact that we are using GitHub. I have been trying to find time to work on projects that can help build my professional portfolio and having this available on GitHub will certainly help me along. I have not confirmed with the professors of this class if we are going to keep our repositories public, but I hope we do :)

